Wheaton. Compromisso com a qualidade, atendendo aos mais rigorosos padrões do mercado

Quality and Safety

Commitment to quality, meeting the most rigorous standards in the market
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Unidades - farmaceutico - sustentabilidade


Glass packaging: protecting what's inside and outside.
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Unidades - farmaceutico - Soluções Completas farmacap

Complete Solutions

Closure systems in rubber and aluminum, through Farmacap, another Wheaton Group company.
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Exclusive Products

We can develop and present exclusive and unique packaging proposals, decorating our standard bottles with the art of your choice, creating exclusive collections, with your creativity and our quality.

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Beauty and Versatility

The bottles inspire creativity by allowing different possibilities of uses. They reframe their original uses, creating new market opportunities, and rethink packaging positioning in different categories.

In our pharmaceutical line, we have a wide variety of packaging and decoration techniques in total affinity with the new demand in the home spa, dermocosmetics and other markets.
