About Wheaton

Wheaton is the national leader in glass packaging supply for the Perfumery and Cosmetics and Pharmaceutical segments, and one of the five biggest installations specialized in these segments in the world, proving to be always ahead of its time, innovating in concepts, technology, service, and design.
Currently, besides Wheaton, responsible for the production and decoration of glass packaging and domestic utilities, the Wheaton Brasil Group is composed of the following companies:

  • Viton, manufacturer of machinery and equipment for glass industries;
  • Decor, its own unit for decoration of glass jars and utensils;
  • Extar, a company that trades and represents glass products;
  • Farmacap, manufacturer of closure solutions and rubber and aluminum accessories for pharmaceutical, veterinary and similar industries.
  • NOAR, a Brazilian scent tech startup, most recent acquisition of the Wheaton Group, established in São Paulo.

Besides the domestic market, Wheaton is also present in the international market, exporting to more than 40 countries. Among its main clients are the most prestigious companies, such as Avon, Natura, O Boticário, Hinode, Jequiti, Yanbal, Eurofarma, EMS, União Química, Novafarma, Ache, Oetker, Casa de Madeira, Predilecta, Sakura, Grupo Pão de Açúcar, Lojas Americanas, etc.


The history of the Wheaton Brasil Group began in 1888 with the foundation of the T. C. Wheaton company in Millville, New Jersey, USA.

In 1952, Wheaton is founded in São Paulo, and is a pioneer in placing on the market, in 1953, the first penicillin vial manufactured in a 4-section, double drop, I.S. machine. In the same year, Wheaton starts manufacturing flasks that, besides the pharmaceutical market, also serve the perfumery and cosmetics industry.

In the 70’s, the production of bottles had a great impulse. It considerably expanded its facilities, reaching the daily capacity of 200 tons/day, using quadruple drop machines, extracting glass in the colors opalescent, cobalt blue, cognac, and green.

In November 1976, Wheaton produces the first pressed glass, marking the creation of the Housewares division, with articles for the home. In the 80’s, with the reconstruction and modernization of its furnaces, the industrial park is enlarged to attend the growth of this line and of the perfumery and cosmetics market.

In the 90’s, Wheaton introduces the first machines with electronic command, palletized and thermoshrunk packaging, oxy-gas combustion melting furnace and computerized monitoring, and colored glass by the color feeder system, as well as formalizing the quality programs. At the end of the decade, the administrative unit in São Paulo is transferred to the manufacturing park in São Bernardo do Campo.

Fundação da empresa T.C.Wheaton, em Millville, Estado de New Jersey, Estados Unidos.


Foundation of the T.C. Wheaton company in Millville, New Jersey, USA.
Fundação da Wheaton do Brasil na cidade de São Paulo, iniciando suas
atividades com um forno com capacidade para 16 toneladas diárias de extração de vidro.


Wheaton Brazil was founded in São Paulo, beginning its operations with a furnace with a capacity of 16 tons of glass extraction per day.
Foi colocado no mercado o primeiro frasco para penicilina, fabricado em uma máquina IS de 4 seções e dupla gota. Mais dois fornos foram construídos, elevando a capacidade de produção para 56 toneladas/dia, para atender, também, à indústria de perfumaria e cosméticos.


The first penicillin vial, manufactured on a 4-section IS double drop machine, was put on the market. Two additional furnaces were built at that time, boosting the production capacity to 56 tons per day in an effort to also serve the perfumery and cosmetics industry.
A decoração de frascos teve um grande impulso. A Wheaton ampliou
consideravelmente suas instalações, chegando à capacidade diária de 200 toneladas/dia.


There was a strong drive for decorative bottles. Wheaton expanded its facilities considerably, reaching a daily capacity of 200 tons per day.
Transferência da unidade fabril para São Bernardo do Campo (SP), introduzindo sua primeira linha de embalagens de vidro para a indústria alimentícia.


November 1976: the first tumbler was produced, marking the creation of the tableware division.
Foram instaladas as primeiras máquinas com comando eletrônico, iniciando a produção do vidro colorido pelo sistema color feeder.


The first machines were fitted with electronic control, initiating the production of colored glass through the color feeder system.
Com o intuito de preservar a história da perfumaria nacional e internacional,
a Wheaton inicia a organização de um Centro de Memória, composto por uma coleção
de frascos de perfumes de diferentes épocas, propagandas antigas, fotografias,
equipamentos desativados, livros e revistas especializadas, armazenados em local
adequado para pesquisas e exposições, dentro da reserva técnica, com acesso restrito.


In order to preserve the history of national and international perfumery, Wheaton began organizing a Memory Center that included a collection of over 4,600 cataloged pieces. Among other items, the Center contained perfume bottles from different eras, old advertisements, photographs, retired equipment, books and specialized magazines. They are stored in a place conducive for studies and exhibitions within the technical reserve and with restricted access.
A Wheaton adquire a Verescense do Brasil (antiga SGD) e passa a ser uma das maiores fabricantes globais de embalagens de vidro para a indústria de perfumaria, cosméticos e farmacêuticos.


Wheaton acquires Verescense Brasil (former SGD) and becomes one of the largest global manufacturers of glass packaging for the perfume, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries.
O Grupo Wheaton adquire o parque industrial da antiga KarmannGhia, local
icônico às margens da Rodovia Anchieta, em São Bernardo do Campo. Mais uma conquista do Grupo, parte importante do ousado plano de crescimento da companhia, que manteve os investimentos mesmo durante o período de pandemia.


The Wheaton Group acquires the Karmann Ghia industrial park, an iconic site on the Anchieta Highway, in São Bernardo do Campo. Another achievement of the Group, an important part of the company's bold growth plan, which maintained its investments even during the pandemic period.


Structuring the area, with drawing up a strategic
strategic plan for information information. Creation of the
ESG Project, carried out with the support of a specialized consultancy,
and the structuring of a multidisciplinary working group.
Inauguration of the Glass Memory Space, which preserves
and inspires the history of glass.