Add to bag and contact us for more information on this and other products of interest. It will be a pleasure to serve you!
The beauty of nature in unique items Alligned with the main trends of decoration, the Petra line is composed by dishes in unique color combinations. Each piece is unique and special, forming naturally beautiful patterns such as granite, marble and quartz stones.
Capacity mensurements were calculed up to the brim of the product. The dimensions
informed in this package are nominal subject to small variations. Wheaton Brasil
Vidros S.A. reserves itself the right to make changes in its products without prior
notice. For avaliabitity and update information, please contact your dealer.
‘- Producto de vidrio: el manoseo debe ser hecho con cuidado.
– Choques pueden romper el vidrio y causar herimientos.
– No se utiliza en el horno.
– Utilizar una esponja suave (no abrasiva) y lavar las piezas con agua y jabón suave.