Repacking Essencial, Natura – ABRE Winner of Brazilian Packaging, Grandes Cases Award and WorldStar Award in 2020

Novo Essencial wants to give voice to a power that opens up new possibilities. For those who are the protagonists of their lives and have discovered the different ways of conjugating the verb power. It's being authentic. It's having a unique personality.
Because Essential is being able to be.
Keeping the traditional size impression of the line's masculine and feminine perfumes, the new packages received multiple facets on the front of the flasks, symbolizing the different forms of power.
Reinforcing Natura's commitment to developing products that express sustainable values and practices, several optimizations were made in the design of the flasks to reduce the glass mass without compromising the concept and aesthetics of the packaging. In addition, the flasks are produced with 20% post-consumer recycled glass (PCR) and have a threaded end, allowing fragrance refilling and separation of the different packaging components for recycling.
The size and shape of the flasks ensure an ergonomic and comfortable grip for consumers to apply perfumes. In addition, the lid traction has a force specification that allows opening without great efforts and keeps the product fixed if it is held by the lid.
The packaging won the WorldStar award, in the Health & Personal Care category (Health and Beauty), the Silver award in the Redesign category at the ABRE Brazilian Packaging Award, and the Grandes Cases Packaging Award in 2020.